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Toastypedia. Travel to Bitonto Apulia with its beautiful ancient buildings and bed and breakfast

Historical Church of Bitonto. Apulia - Italy
Church of Bitonto

Bitonto is known as the city of olive trees due to the extensive olive groves that surround it and the oil production, already renowned in the 13th century and perfected during the 20th century, which still today constitutes the most important economic resource of the city. Bitonto also gave its name to the local cultivar, Cima di Bitonto. On May 26, 1734, the city was the scene of the historic battle fought between the Austrians and the Bourbons, which led to the birth of the kingdom of Naples as an independent state. The historic center has numerous churches, including the co-cathedral in Apulian Romanesque style, and valuable examples of Renaissance architecture, such as the Sylos-Vulpano and Sylos-Calò palaces. Seat of the first national gallery of Puglia and of the largest diocesan museum in Southern Italy, in 2004 it was recognized as a city of art.The history of Bitonto dates back to the Neolithic. In fact, the settlements in the caves of the area date back to this period. Over the centuries the city has been an important Peucetian centre, subsequently culturally influenced by the Magno-Greek Taranto, and a Roman municipality. Following the fall of Rome, Bitonto saw the presence of numerous dominations, such as the Byzantines, Lombards, Normans, Swabians, Angevins and Spaniards. It was also a feudal possession, from which it was strengthened in 1551 by giving itself municipal statutes which were a model for cities such as Bari, Molfetta and Trani. The battle of the same name is also linked to the history of Bitonto following which the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies became independent. According to tradition, Bitonto was founded by the Illyrian king Botone, from whom the name derives. The human presence in the area dates back to the Neolithic era, as evidenced by settlements in caves. An Iron Age necropolis was located at a bend in the Tiflis stream, in the blade. This suggests that the city was home to a large community that attracted the population scattered in the countryside. The numerous archaeological finds found in some caves in the area testify to the presence of the ancient inhabitants in what the sources call ager butuntinus. Unfortunately, so far both a methodological study and a stratigraphic research of this cave civilization have been lacking. The city was an important Peucetian centre. Subsequently it became a Greek colony linked to Sparta through connections with Taranto, as evidenced by the coins of the 5th century BC. found in the historic center, which bear the effigy of the Taranto hero Falanto. Some coins bear the image of an owl, others a shell, others an ear of wheat and still others an olive tree. The city was also already economically active, as evidenced by other coins of the same era, which have the legend in Greek characters "BYTONTINON". A necropolis dating back to the 4th-3rd century BC it was also found in the current urban centre. Toastypedia Travel to Bitonto Apulia with its beautiful ancient buildings and bed and breakfast

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Toastypedia bed and breakfast Apulia Italy

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